About the Oracle

About The Unassuming Oracle

Hello, my name is Brett

Astrologer l Herbalist l Oracle


My story begins when I was very young. I always knew that I was different, and could see things that most other people could not. Born with the ability to see and hear spirits, and coming from a long line of Mediums and Mystics, the arcane and esoteric were just a part of everyday life.

I spent most of my youth growing up in my Grandmother’s garden listening to the stories of my elders, learning about the magic and medicine of the natural world, and the spiritual mysticism of the Old Country. On my 8th birthday, around the Winter Solstice, when children were getting the latest game or gadget I received my first Tarot Deck. As the light faded and the night was at its longest, The Oracle was born.

Like a pebble that drops into a pool, that moment in time started my life long journey of exploration into the symbolism of the unknown world. I began my study of the Tarot, and from there the mechanics of Kardecian and mystic Mediumship. I served as both a member and a mentor for the ATA, which is the American Tarot Association for several years.

In my early 20’s, when I was reading at a local metaphysical store, I met an astrologer who was able to give me an understanding of my inner processes and uncannily predict the events of the next several years. As the next ripple formed, a love of the language of the cosmos was born. I studied, took classes and read whatever I could with pure fervor. I am currently a member of OPA, The Organization for Professional Astrology, and also ISAR, The International Society for Astrological Research. I am also a Certified Astrologer through the Rebecca Gordon Astrology School.

A health crisis in my mid 20’s was the shift needed to bring me back to the natural world, as the western medical model no longer had answers or solutions to the problems of my physical body. I went back to my grandmother’s garden, and found a passion for natural medicine. Since 2005, I have studied Natural Medicine and Clinical Herbalism through Clayton College of Natural Health and Heart of Herbs School. The seed that was planted in my youth, was now in full bloom, and the ripple in the pond came back to the shore.  

As an accomplished Medium and Spirit Worker, I have had the honor of assisting several paranormal groups as an advisor, and investigations that I have done have been featured on several episodes of A&E’s My Ghost Story. I have also been interviewed on many BlogTalkRadio and other Podcasts.


"My mission is to empower, educate, and unequivocally provide the practical tools to remove and avoid obstacles, and re-balance the Body, Mind and Spirit through ancient techniques and wisdom."


Now, with endless exploration, and over 30 years of professional service I have had the privilege of helping so many people around the world. I’m blessed each and every day, knowing that this is my calling, and how I can be of service.